__Welcome to your Newsroom

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 8:23:29 PM
## Why rooms?

Rooms allow you to:
* Fund a decentralized treasury (running on polygon)
* Create bounties

### Tasks
#### What are bounties?

* Easy way to get stuff done
* Each new bounty creates a channel on your discord server

#### How can you get started?

1. Click on [create a bounty](https://newsroom.xyz/rooms/cryptopunky/post)
2. Write down your first task and check out your discord

### Treasury

#### What can you do with your room Treasury?

* You can add funds to it 
* Members of your community can post proposals in exchange for funding

This makes it easy for your community to take the initiative.

#### How can you get started?

First, you need to have some MATIC since our the treasury smart contracts are currently deployed on polygon main net.

1. Go to your [room profile](https://newsroom.xyz/rooms/cryptopunky/edit)
2. Switch polygon network on metamask
3. Click on "Create your Treasury"
4. Click on fund and choose an amount