Discovery on Twitter: What is the vision of DAOnative?

Monday, December 20, 2021 10:59:00 PM


Rose takes over the DAOnative Twitter account (starting with one week). She'll post one Tweet every day and uses the Tweets as a journey to discover the vision of DAOnative.

reward: 15 MATIC & 101 heart

The problem:

DAOnative is new & they build promising tools for DAOs. But What is DAOnative?

The vision:

What is the vision of DAOnative?

Why do we want to build tools for DAOs?

The idea:

Share the discovery process on Twitter.

Post 1 Tweet every day, one week.


→ Answer typical DAO newcomer questions

→ find out what tools DAOs need

→ make short polls about participation in DAOs

→ share DAO content

→ find and introduce small DAOs

→ tag those DAOs and provide insights for them

→ make bold statements like "Some people that are already alive today will never experience work outside of a DAO." & "DAOs don't care about university degrees"