Welcome to your Newsroom

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 11:13:03 AM

What is a task?

Newsroom allows you to create on-demand media squads.

Concretely, this means that each task creates a discord channel where people self-organize to complete certain assignments. This can mean anything from having one person working on a task to having a whole team working on it.

Tasks can be as simple as "Create new tweetstorm for product launch" to "Organize an event for ETHBarcelona."


Steps to create a task

  1. Join our discord

  2. Go to your newsroom by clicking on your logo above

  3. Click on "Add a Task"

  4. Fill out all details (title, deadline, amount, currency)

  5. Click on "Create Post"

Write Rules

  • Good tasks have clear rules so that participants know what to do

Announce it

Now that you've created your first task, it's a good idea to let your community know about it and spread the word on Discord.